
Ms. Kimber has co-authored leading texts on employment law, equality law and data protection law in the workplace.
Her publications include:
- Cyberlaw and Employment (with P. Walley), (Round Hall, Thomson Reuters, 2016).
- Employment Equality Law (with M. Bolger and Claire Bruton) (Round Hall/Sweet & Maxwell, 2012).
- Sex Discrimination Law (with M. Bolger) (Round Hall/Sweet & Maxwell, 2000).
- Disability Discrimination Law in the United States, Australia and Canada (with Gerard Quinn and Maeve McDonough), (Oak Tree Press, 1993).
- Criminal Justice Systems in Europe; Ireland (United Nations) Helsinki Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (1995) pp 53.
Book Chapters
Book Section ‘Part V Employment Equality ’’ Employment Law (2nd edition; Tottel Publishing; 2016).
Book Section ‘Part V Employment Equality ’’ Employment Law (Tottel Publishing; 2009) editor Maeve Regan
Book Chapter “The Directive on Race Discrimination in Ireland’ in Equality in Diversity (ICEL; 2003) editors Cathryn Costello and Eilis Barry.
Book Chapter “Recent Development in EU Equality Law’’ EU Law (Round Hall Press; 2002) editors Catherina Keville and Mary Catherine Lucey
Book Chapter ‘Race Discrimination and the New Article 13 Directives’’ The New EU Directives on Employment Equality Law (2003) editor Catherina Keville.
“Equality or Self-Determination” in Understanding Human Rights, (Mansell, 1996) editors Conor Gearty and Adam Tomkins
‘Implementing European Environmental Policy and the Directive on Access to Environmental Information’ Book Chapter in Alternative Policy Instruments Lenschow, A., and Knill, C., (eds) (Manchester University Press, 2000)
‘Environmental Licensing and Permits in the UK’ Book Chapter in Deketelaere, K., and Faure, M., (eds.) Environmental Law in the United Kingdom and belgium from a Comparative Perspective part of the Ius Commune Europeam Series, (1999)
‘Environmental Taxes, Subsidies and Policy Agreements in the UK’ Book Chapter in Deketelaere, K., and Faure, M., (eds.) Environmental Law in the United Kingdom and belgium from a Comparative Perspective part of the Ius Commune Europeam Series, (1999)
‘Understanding access to Environmental Information: the European Experience’ book chapter in Jowell T and Steele J.,(ed) Law in Environmental Decision Making (OUP 1998)
- ‘The Emergence of the Shadow Employer’ with Hannah Lowry O’Reilly, 2014 Vol 11(3) Irish Employment Law Journal 75-79.
- ‘Attack of the Cyberman’ with Hannah Lowry O’Reilly, 2013 Vol 107(5) Gazette of the Law Society of Ireland 24-25, 27.
- ‘Discrimination in Redundancy Termination and Retirement Payments’, 2013 Vol 4 Irish Employment Law Journal 80-119.
- ‘Social Media and Employees- Use and Abuse’ with Shaun Smyth, 2013 Vol 10(1) Irish Employment Law Journal 4-10.
- ‘Surveillance and Employment Law’ with Shaun Smyth, 2012 Vol 9(10 Irish Employment Law Journal 14-21.
- ‘Age Discrimination and Retirement Age-Pensions and Severance Packages’, 2011 Vol 8(1) Irish Employment Law Journal 15-18
- ‘Age Discrimination and Retirement Age’, 2010 Vol 7(4), Irish Employment Law Journal 92-98.
- ‘Transfer of Undertaking and Redundancy Payments’, 2010 Vol 7(1) Irish Employment Law Journal 17-21.
- ‘Bullying and the Workplace’ with Ercus Stewart and Tom Fahey, 2008 Vol 5(4) Irish Employment Law Journal 114-120.
- ‘Transfer of Undertakings-Perspectives from Litigation’ with Eithne O’Doherty, 2008 Vol 5(2) Irish Employment Law Journal 56-62.
- ‘Fixed Term Workers- Where are we Now?’, 2007 Vol 4(4) Irish Employment Law Journal 103-111.
- ‘Age Discrimination and Pensions’, 2007 Vol 4(2) Irish Employment Law Journal 47-51.
- ‘Restrictive Covenants in Employment Law’, 2006 Vol 3(3) Irish Employment Law Journal 85-91.
- ‘Agency Workers and Employer’s Responsibilities’, 2005 Vol 2(3) 85-91 Irish Employment Law Journal 79-88.
- ‘Equal Treatment for Employees on Leave and Bonus Payments’, 2005 Vol 2(2) Irish Employment Law Journal 53-57.
- ‘Stress at Work- Searching for Guidance’, 2004 Vol 1(3) Irish Employment Law Journal 53-57.
- ‘Last Chance Saloon’, 2003 Vol 97(7) Gazette of the Law Society of Ireland 12-15,17.
- ‘Equality and Discrimination (Part II)’, 2002 Vol 7(2) The Bar Review 66-73.
- ‘Equality and Discrimination (Part I)’, 2001 Vol 6(9) The Bar Review 494-501.
- ‘Sex Equality and the Equal Status Act 2000’ with Marguerite Bolger, 2001 Vol 6(4) The Bar Review 198-204.
- ‘Redirecting Self-Regulation’ with Professor Sandy Gaines, 2001 Vol 13(2) Oxford Journal of Environmental Law 157-184.
- “Zugang zu Umweltinformationen in Grossbritannien und Deutschland” (a comparison of the implementation of the EU Directive on Access to Information in the UK and Germany) with Felix Eckardt, published in German, 1999 Vol 21(5) Natur und Recht 262.
- ‘Access to Justice and Access to Environmental Information’ 1997 Vol 8 European Business law Review 157-164
- ‘Access to Information on the Environment in Spain’ with Maria de la Torre, 1997 Vol 6(2) European Environmental Law Review 53-64.
- ‘The Oil Industry and Mechanisms for Securing Environmental Protection’ with J. Rowan-Robinson, 1995 Vol 1 Contemporary Issues in Law 1-16.
- ‘A Comparison of Environmental Federalism in the US and the EU’ , 1995 Vol 54 Maryland Law Review 1658-1691
Conference Papers
I am regularly invited to speak at conferences and seminars and to give continuing professional development lectures: – I would give about 12-15 papers every year. I have listed below the specific conference papers
Conference Presentations-
- Irish Centre for European Law – Employment Law Conference 11th December 2015 “Low Hours Work and the Potential Role of EU Charter Rights.” .
- Bar of Ireland Annual Employment Law CPD Seminar – 7th December 2015 “Zero Hours Contracts and the Prospects for Legal Regulation.”
- Electricity Supply Board- Annual Employment Law Conference “Social Media use and abuse in the Employment Context” 3rd December 2015.
- Young Solicitors Annual Conference, Athlone “Challenges of the Internet and Data Protection for the Employment Relationship.” 5th November 2015.
- Hibernian Law Society – Annual Lecture Blackhall Place “Data Then and Now– The ascendance of data protection law at European Union level and informational privacy.” 12th November 2015.
- University of Limerick – Conference on Labour Law and Employment Law Issues in the 21st Century 30th October 2015 “ Irelands New Workplace Relations Act.”
- Legal Island – Annual Review of Equality Law “Choosing Comparators in Equality Litigation.” 22nd October 2015.
- Legal Island – Annual Review of Employment Law “Cyberlaw and Employment” November 2015.